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Find A Cure Transit ALS Resources:
A Midwinter Night's Dream is an annual charity fundraiser held by The Northport High School chapter of the National Honor Society that supports Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease) research.
OUR MISSION: Leading the fight to treat and cure ALS through global research and nationwide advocacy while also empowering people with Lou Gehrig's Disease and their families to live fuller lives by providing them with compassionate care and support
Article: ALS and Muscular Dystrophy associations recommend sugar to Lou Gehrig's disease patients
> website
ALS and Muscular Dystrophy associations recommend sugar to Lou Gehrig's disease patients
Augustine (Augie) Nieto, a prominent leader in the nation’s fitness industry for nearly three decades, received a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease) in March 2005. Augie, 53, is approaching his role as co-chair of MDA’s ALS Division with the same ironclad will and determination that catapulted him to entrepreneurial heights in the fitness world.
book: Honest Medicine by Julia Schopick
> website
HONEST MEDICINE introduces four lifesaving treatments that have been effectively treating--and in some cases curing--people for 25-90 years.
Book: Your Medical Mind by Dr. Jerome Groopman that focuses on patient decision making
Cells That Heal Us From Cradle To Grave: A Quantum Leap in Medical Science
> website
book on stem cell research
David Jayne's Impulse - ALS patient
Our mission is to help others quickly find support and information about dealing with ALS, to engage them in expanding awareness of Lou Gehrig disease and help raise funds to defeat it.
A resource for disabling conditions that can be considered severe enough by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to qualify a person for Social Security disability benefits.
These conditions can interfere with an individual’s ability to achieve gainful employment, thereby making that person eligible for SSDI or SSI benefits.
Resources to support spiritual well-being for those with chronic illness. Scholarly articles on the inter-relationship between spirituality and medicine. My personal struggles living with an incurable metastatic cancer.
National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD)
> website
NORD’s vision and guiding principles on which our advocacy initiatives are based:
A national awareness and recognition of the challenges faced by people living with rare diseases and the associated costs to society.
A nation where people with rare diseases can secure access to diagnostics and therapies that extend and improve their lives.
A social, political, and financial culture of innovation that supports both the basic and translational research necessary to create diagnostic tests and therapies for all rare disorders.
A regulatory environment that encourages development and timely approval of safe and effective diagnostics and treatments for patients with rare diseases.
Film Festival sponsored by American Academy of Neurology Foundation
Partnership for Prescription Assistance
> website
Site that help people who are uninsured get treatment.
Their services are free.
Historically, ALS research was conducted by committed ALS researchers working separately on various aspects of the disease.
Project A.L.S.™ changed that approach dramatically by requiring that researchers and doctors from many disciplines work together, share data openly, and meet shared research milestones.
Project A.L.S.™ actively recruits researchers, much as competitive sports teams recruit the best athletes. Project A.L.S.™ has built dream teams in four main areas: Basic Research, Genetics, Stem Cells, and Drug Screening.
Project A.L.S.™ research is funded on a rolling basis and is vetted by the Project A.L.S.™ research advisory board.
RockScar Love is inspiring passionate lives through clothing. We celebrate sexy scars, the lessons they teach us and the strength they create.
Steve Smith Video - ALS
My name is Tommy Steckman and this is my story.
I was diagnosed a week before Easter 2002 with ALS, better known as Lou Gehrig's disease. Little did I know the changes that would take place in my life. A body that moves in a different direction than what I want to go. My mind so alert to the call of my LORD.
Find A Cure Transit ALS Resources:
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