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Find A Cure Transit Hepatitis Resources:
book: Honest Medicine by Julia Schopick     > website
HONEST MEDICINE introduces four lifesaving treatments that have been effectively treating--and in some cases curing--people for 25-90 years.
book: Survivor - One Man's Battle with HIV, Hemophilia, and Hepatitis C     > website
On January 3, 1987, teenager Vaughn Ripley receives what seems to be a death sentence. A lifelong hemophiliac, he has been infused with tainted blood and is found to be HIV+. In this memoir, Ripley not only recounts his life living with severe physical ailments, but also details his fight to live.
Book: Your Medical Mind     > website
Book: Your Medical Mind by Dr. Jerome Groopman that focuses on patient decision making
Cells That Heal Us From Cradle To Grave: A Quantum Leap in Medical Science     > website
book on stem cell research
Free from Hepatitis C     > website
For decades, having hepatitis C virus (HCV) was the equivalent of serving a life sentence with a dangerous liver disease. All of that changed with the discovery that the virus could be defeated with a new treatment. To shed light on this groundbreaking therapy, Lucinda Porter, a registered nurse, a passionate HCV advocate, and a hep C patient herself, has written a comprehensive guide for people who are undergoing or considering this new hep C treatment.
Hippopotamus SeaL: My Viral Sobriety     > website
A poignant true addiction story covering all the facets of tragedy and ultimately triumph over the insidious family disease of alcoholism and addiction. Follow JB Smith’s journey to insanity and beyond as he jumps off of a bridge and lands in the looney bin and ultimately Alcoholics Anonymous. The 17 years of drug abuse abates, the fog webs clear and he learns he is Hepatitis C positive, his liver is failing and he has no health insurance for the 3 thousand dollars a month Interferon treatments required to save his life. A miraculous story of a tormented soul released from a literal hell. An exciting read that will leave you breathless, and inspire you with perseverance, and faith as JB Smith details the path to hell and back, in all it’s gory intricacy as he tries his best to explain the unexplainable thought process of a man driven mad by the drink.
Lucinda Porter Informational site     > website
Find A Cure Transit Hepatitis Resources:
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