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Find A Cure Transit Kidney Cancer Resources:
Disability Benefits Help     > website
A resource for disabling conditions that can be considered severe enough by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to qualify a person for Social Security disability benefits. These conditions can interfere with an individual’s ability to achieve gainful employment, thereby making that person eligible for SSDI or SSI benefits.
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center     > website
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is an interdisciplinary team of world-renowned scientists and humanitarians working together to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, HIV/AIDS and other diseases.
Joey's Song/Joe Gomoll Foundation     > website
Joey's Song is a series of CD's that brings together national and international artists to raise money for epilepsy research and advocacy, in honor of Joey Gomoll. Joey was just shy of 5 years old when he passed away in March 2010. In the months since then his father, and a passionate group of musicians, friends and supporters, have pulled together a collection of rare and unreleased music, as well as special recordings and children's songs. Joey's Song: Volume One and Joey's Song for Kids: Volume 1 were released January 25, 2011! Get your copies today!
Landis Vance     > website
Resources to support spiritual well-being for those with chronic illness. Scholarly articles on the inter-relationship between spirituality and medicine. My personal struggles living with an incurable metastatic cancer.
National Human Genome Research Institue     > website
The National Human Genome Research Institute is a government agency that applying genome technologies to the study of specific diseases.
OncoLink     > website
OncoLink was founded to help cancer patients, families, health care professionals and the general public get accurate cancer-related information at no charge.
Find A Cure Transit Kidney Cancer Resources:
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