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Find A Cure Transit Autism Resources:
autism and LGS book: Take Him Home and Love Him     > website
A story of autism and LGS and how to cope with it.
book: Honest Medicine by Julia Schopick     > website
HONEST MEDICINE introduces four lifesaving treatments that have been effectively treating--and in some cases curing--people for 25-90 years.
Book: Your Medical Mind     > website
Book: Your Medical Mind by Dr. Jerome Groopman that focuses on patient decision making
Cells That Heal Us From Cradle To Grave: A Quantum Leap in Medical Science     > website
book on stem cell research
Schizophrenia Voices of Self Destruction     > website
In this book Travis describes to the reader what living with schizophrenia and autism is like. Follow Travis as he shares about his hallucinations, voices, and delusions. Travis shares how television characters and news anchors talk to him. He thinks they have a special message to deliver to him. Travis also talks about having to punish himself because the voices say he is not a real person.
Find A Cure Transit Autism Resources:
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