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Find A Cure Transit Macular Degeneration Resources:
book: Honest Medicine by Julia Schopick     > website
HONEST MEDICINE introduces four lifesaving treatments that have been effectively treating--and in some cases curing--people for 25-90 years.
Book: Your Medical Mind     > website
Book: Your Medical Mind by Dr. Jerome Groopman that focuses on patient decision making
Cells That Heal Us From Cradle To Grave: A Quantum Leap in Medical Science     > website
book on stem cell research
Macular Degeneration: The Complete Guide to Saving and Maximizing Your Sight     > website
The acclaimed book on macular degeneration—now completely revised and updated with cutting edge research and the latest developments in the field.
Protect Your Site     > website
Book on MD
Seeing Things: A Novel     > website
Much to her family’s concern, a vibrant older woman with failing vision believes she can see and speak with literature’s own Huck Finn.
Through My Eyes     > website
Back in 2002 when I was told that I would possibly lose my sight to wet macular degeneration I was devastated. The central vision allows you to sew, to read books and newspapers, watch TV and see familiar faces. What a tragedy that this most precious gift might be taken from me... We've been fortunate enough to have traveled a bit since our retirement and those wonderful memories are sealed in many photos. In fact, those photos mean so much to me that I want to share a sampling of them with you, along with some of my poetry and prose. I have no agenda with this book, except to bring joy and maybe a smile to anyone who lifts the cover and turns each page. Joy is reaching out to touch you if you will but open your heart and your eyes.
Find A Cure Transit Macular Degeneration Resources:
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