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Find A Cure Transit Lupus Resources:
Alliance for Aging Research     > website
Alliance for Aging Research is the nation's leading citizen advocacy organization for improving the health and independence of Americans as they age.
Alliance for Lupus Research     > website
The Alliance for Lupus Research seeks better treatments and a cure systemic lupus erythematosus by assisting scientists at the most prestigious universities, medical schools, hospitals, and private companies throughout the world.
CuresNow     > website
CuresNow is fighting for the lives of millions of Americans through a campaign of mass education in ethical scientific research in the advancement of regenerative medicine, the most promising technology to date for unlocking a cure for some of the most debilitating diseases.
Disability Benefits Help     > website
A resource for disabling conditions that can be considered severe enough by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to qualify a person for Social Security disability benefits. These conditions can interfere with an individual’s ability to achieve gainful employment, thereby making that person eligible for SSDI or SSI benefits.
Find A Cure Panel     > website
Find A Cure Panel is a market research service created specifically to impanel people with long term ailments such as Parkinson's, epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, cancer, etc. and their caregivers. If you would like to know more about how you can help find a cure, please contact us.
Immune Tolerance Network     > website
The Immune Tolerance Network provides subcontracted research funds, as well as access to scientific and administrative support, and assistance procuring vital agents & equipment.
Joey's Song/Joe Gomoll Foundation     > website
Joey's Song is a series of CD's that brings together national and international artists to raise money for epilepsy research and advocacy, in honor of Joey Gomoll. Joey was just shy of 5 years old when he passed away in March 2010. In the months since then his father, and a passionate group of musicians, friends and supporters, have pulled together a collection of rare and unreleased music, as well as special recordings and children's songs. Joey's Song: Volume One and Joey's Song for Kids: Volume 1 were released January 25, 2011! Get your copies today!
Landis Vance     > website
Resources to support spiritual well-being for those with chronic illness. Scholarly articles on the inter-relationship between spirituality and medicine. My personal struggles living with an incurable metastatic cancer.
Lupus Awareness and Research     > website
LUPUS Awareness and Research(LAR) Is A LUPUS Advocacy Organization Established September 13, 2009. We Are DEDICATED To Promoting LUPUS Awareness In Connecticut, North America And Around The World. LAR Is A Sole Proprietorship That Operates On One Premise. TOGETHER WE WILL FIND THE CURE!!
Lupus Research Institute     > website
The Lupus Research Institute is a national nonprofit organization that supports only the highest-ranked novel research to determine the cause, improve treatment, and, ultimately, to prevent and cure systemic lupus erythematosus.
National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD)     > website
NORD’s vision and guiding principles on which our advocacy initiatives are based: A national awareness and recognition of the challenges faced by people living with rare diseases and the associated costs to society. A nation where people with rare diseases can secure access to diagnostics and therapies that extend and improve their lives. A social, political, and financial culture of innovation that supports both the basic and translational research necessary to create diagnostic tests and therapies for all rare disorders. A regulatory environment that encourages development and timely approval of safe and effective diagnostics and treatments for patients with rare diseases.
Find A Cure Transit Lupus Resources:
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