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Find A Cure Transit Hemophilia Resources:
book: Honest Medicine by Julia Schopick     > website
HONEST MEDICINE introduces four lifesaving treatments that have been effectively treating--and in some cases curing--people for 25-90 years.
book: Survivor - One Man's Battle with HIV, Hemophilia, and Hepatitis C     > website
On January 3, 1987, teenager Vaughn Ripley receives what seems to be a death sentence. A lifelong hemophiliac, he has been infused with tainted blood and is found to be HIV+. In this memoir, Ripley not only recounts his life living with severe physical ailments, but also details his fight to live.
Book: Your Medical Mind     > website
Book: Your Medical Mind by Dr. Jerome Groopman that focuses on patient decision making
Cells That Heal Us From Cradle To Grave: A Quantum Leap in Medical Science     > website
book on stem cell research
Find A Cure Transit Hemophilia Resources:
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